
BBVA in 2013

Non-performing assets and risk premium

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The balance of non-performing assets as of 31-Dec-2013 is €26,243m, €5,640m higher than the figure at the close of December 2012. This was due to the effect of exchange rates and to the fact that the level of non-performing loans in Spain increased significantly over the year as a result of the classification of refinanced loans in both banking and real-estate activity. In terms of variations in NPA, gross additions increased over the last twelve months. Recoveries show a slight decline, with net additions ending the year at €10,187m, up 63.7% on the figure registered at the close of December 2012. As a result, the ratio of recoveries to gross additions to NPA stood at 43.5% in 2013.

BBVA Group. Non-performing assets. Breakdown by business area

(31-12-2013. Percentage)

The following tables show the changes in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2013 for impaired loans and non-performing contingent liabilities, both for the BBVA Group and for each business area.

BBVA Group. Variation in non-performing assets

(Million euros)

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2013 2012 2011
Beginning balance 20,603 15,866 15,685
Entries 18,027 14,525 13,045
Recoveries (7,840) (8,291) (8,992)
Net entry 10,187 6,234 4,053
Write-offs (3,856) (4,395) (4,093)
Exchange differences and others (691) 2,899 221
Final balance 26,243 20,603 15,866
BBVA Group. Variation in non-performing assets by business area

(Million euros)

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Banking activity in Spain Real-estate activity in Spain The United States Eurasia Mexico South America

2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012
Beginning balance 8,552 7,874 7,229 3,294 978 1,616 1,160 701 1,489 1,275 1,122 996
Entries 5,453 2,973 2,397 769 (41) (84) 305 594 1,395 1,370 680 543
Write-offs (1,255) (1,978) (673) (266) (213) (346) (60) (137) (1,190) (1,212) (451) (437)
Exchange differences and others (269) (317) 307 3,432 (211) (208) (56) 3 (226) 56 (243) 20
Final balance 12,480 8,552 9,259 7,229 513 978 1,349 1,160 1,469 1,488 1,108 1,121
BBVA Group. Gross additions to NPA

(Million euros)

BBVA Group. Net additions to NPA

(Million euros)

BBVA Group. NPA Recoveries


The Group’s NPA ratio ended December 2013 at 6.8% (4.6% excluding real-estate activity in Spain), an increase of 1.7 percentage points over the last twelve months. The NPA ratio for the banking business in Spain stands at 6.4%, up 2.4 percentage points over the year. The ratio in real-estate activity in Spain closed at 55.5% (38.3% as of 31-Dec-2012). In Eurasia, the NPA ratio closed December at 3.4% (2.8% as of 31-Dec-2012). In the United States and Mexico, this ratio improved over the year to 1.2% and 3.6%, respectively, as of 31-Dec-2013. Lastly, in South America, the NPA ratio remained stable and closed 2013 at the same level as of 31-Dec-2012, 2.1%.

The Group’s risk premium, which measures the charge against earnings made for net loss provisioning per lending unit, decreased by 57 basis points in 2013 to 1.59%. By geographical area, the risk premium in Spain (including real-estate activity) decreased by 111 basis points to 1.55%, in Eurasia it increased by 14 basis points to 1.11%, in Mexico it stands at 3.57% (3.48% as of 31-Dec-2012) and in South America at 1.49% (1.34% one year before), while in the United States it remains stable at 0.21% (0.19% at the end of 2012).

Lastly, provisions for customer risk totaled €15,715m as of 31-Dec-2013, with the Group’s coverage ratio standing at 60%. By business area, the ratio increased significantly in the United States, from 90% to 134%, while in Eurasia it remained stable (87% at the end of both 2012 and 2013). Slight decreases have been registered in the rest of the geographical areas: in Mexico and South America the ratio closed the year at 110% and 141%, respectively (114% and 146% as of 31-Dec-2012); in banking activity in Spain at 41% (48% at the end of 2012); and in real-estate activity in Spain at 61% (82% as of December 31, 2012).

BBVA Group. Risk premiums by business area


(1) Includes real-estate activity.
BBVA Group. NPA and coverage ratios

