
Corporate Responsibility

The CR function is now entrusted to the Bank’s highest executive body

BBVA’s vision is “Working for a better future for people.” This slogan encompasses the Group’s Corporate Responsibility (CR) challenges. BBVA’s commitment in this area can be seen in the great progress made in the system of CR governance in 2011. It is the Group’s Management Committee itself that has exercised the functions of a Corporate Responsibility and Reputation Committee, thus entrusting these issues to the Bank’s highest executive body. This same model will be replicated locally in the major countries in which we are present.

During 2011, other steps have been taken as part of the Strategic CR Plan approved in 2008. The plan comprises four core elements, consistent with the Group’s function in the community. On the one hand, financial inclusion makes it easier for the most disadvantaged segments of society to access financial services, thus helping to break the vicious circle of poverty. On the other hand, financial literacy ensures that this access is based on informed, and therefore responsible, decisions. Together with the integration of CR into the Group’s management system, these measures result in benefits for individuals and the community, and thus for the Group itself.

The core elements of the Strategic CR Plan are consistent with the Group’s role in society

1. Financial inclusion
This commitment was materialized by the creation of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation in 2007. At the close of 2011, the Foundation is present in six countries in Latin America, and it has 359 branches, 4,963 employees and 948,508 customers. It manages a volume of €737m in microcredits, with the average microcredit being €1,052. The focus on productive microfinance adopted by the Foundation is the most useful instrument for giving the most disadvantaged people access to the financial system.

2. Financial literacy
BBVA believes that informed decision-making helps improve personal financial situation, makes risk management for financial institutions easier, encourages saving and strengthens the overall financial system. This is why the Global Financial Literacy Plan was launched in 2009, benefiting 814,483 people in 2011.

3. Responsible banking
To create a credible CR policy, BBVA is working to integrate responsible management across the value chain, from the design of the product, its marketing and sale, to the management of its risks; and from customer advising (where we are committed to quality, customer satisfaction and service), to the Group’s human resources (where we promote diversity and fair opportunities), its suppliers (through the Responsible Procurement Program) and the environment (with a policy focused on sustainable environmental management and against climate change). BBVA’s approach to sustainability is based on the creation of value proposals for its stakeholders. It is important to note that the volume of funds managed with socially responsible investment (SRI) criteria accounts for 2.42% of the total amount this year, while the number of transactions financed under the Equator Principles has been 91, up to a volume of €5,404m.

4. Community Involvement

The aim of this commitment is for BBVA to contribute to the development of the communities in which it is present. One outstanding program in this area is the Community Investment Plan for Latin America, which consists of primary and secondary education scholarships for children from the most disadvantaged groups. In 2011, the Group invested €74.24m in community involvement. Finally, the launch of the Momentum Project is worth mentioning: an initiative created to promote social entrepreneurship in Spain and Portugal, and that aims to be extended to the rest of the regions in which the Group operates.

For more information about the CR activities in 2011, please refer to:

The Annual Report 2011 http://accionistaseinversores.bbva.com
and the website www.bancaparatodos.com

The four core elements of CR policy
Highlights of the four core elements of CR policy

2011 2010 2009
Financial literacy

Number of beneficiaries of the Global Financial Literacy Plan (1) 814,483 416,325 30,734
Financial inclusion

Number of direct and indirect beneficiaries of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (millions) 3.7 2.5 2.0
Number of customers of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation 948,508 620,584 499,961
Total amount of microcredits granted by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (million euros) 737 432 323
Average microcredit from the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (euros) 1,052 696 717
Responsible banking

Customer satisfaction index (2) 5.31 5.27 5.22
Employee satisfaction index (%) (3) n.a. 90 n.a.
Supplier satisfaction index (%) (3) n.a. 79 n.a.
Hours of training per employee 48 43 38
Women in senior management (Management Committee and corporate managers/senior managers) (%) 9/19 10/18 9/18
Ratio of men to women (%) 48/52 48/52 48/52
Number of volunteers 4,328 5,268 5,193
CO2 emissions per employee (t) (4)(5) 4.21 4.05 3.92
Paper consumption per employee (t) 0.13 0.13 0.13
Water consumption per employee (m3) (4)(6) 43.86 48.88 50.30
Electricity per employee (MWh) (4) 9.07 8.72 9.28
Number of employees in ISO 14001 certified buildings 20,267 16,593 10,455
Community involvement

Resources allocated to community involvement (million euros) 74.24 76.03 79.06
Resources allocated to community involvement over net attributable profit (%) 2.47 1.65 1.88
Number of children receiving scholarships under the Niños Adelante project 61,436 60,099 56,178
Note: t = metric tons (1) In 2011, the calculation criteria was modified to adapt to the academic calendar, such that the data for the program in Spain and Portugal is assigned to the second part of the academic year. Likewise, the series has been recalculated from 2009 to apply this new criterion. (2) Data for Spain on a 1-7 scale (3) Biennial survey. (4) The water, electricity and CO2 indicators for previous years have been updated, primarily due to the incorporation of data from The United States that was under review at the time the 2010 information was published. (5) The CO2 emitted per employee includes BBVA Spain’s purchase of green energy. (6) Preliminary 2011 data.
BBVA Group. CR objectives
Main CR objectives in 2011 Progress made Compliance objectives 2011 verified by Deloitte Objectives for 2011
CR principles and policies
Report regularly (at least once a year) to the Board of Directors Two reports (one from the Director of CRR, in May, and another from the Chief Operating Officer, in December) 100% Report regularly (at least once a year) to the Board of Directors

Approve the 2012-2015 CRR strategic plan

Include CSR-ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues in Investors Day 2011
Extend the customer and shareholders loyalty to social projects
Investors Day did not take place CSR-ESG issues were incorporated into the quarterly institutional presentation of the Chief Operating Officer 0% Create the ESG Investment Committee and hold 2 sessions
Financial literacy
Consolidate the figures for the “Valores de Futuro” (Future Values) program for 2010-2011 in Spain (578,000 students and 3,060 schools) and in Portugal (100,000 students and 600 schools) In the 2010-2011 edition of “Valores de Futuro”, a total of 583,442 students at more than 3,000 schools have participated 100% 4,300 schools and more than 755,000 beneficiaries with the “Valores de Futuro” program in 2011-2012. (Spain: 3,500 schools and 650,000 beneficiaries and Portugal: 800 schools and 105,000 beneficiaries)

Reach 5,100 beneficiaries in South America and 400,000 in Mexico with the “Adelante con tu Futuro” (Forward with your Future) program and assess the impact with participants in Mexico 291 beneficiaries in Chile and 120 in Uruguay
Venezuela started its online financial literacy workshops BBVA Bancomer gave personal finance workshops that benefitted 400,000 people
50% 405,000 beneficiaries with the “Adelante con tu Futuro” program (Mexico 400,000 and South America 5,000)

Financial inclusion
Extend the operating presence of the Microfinance Foundation from the current 6 countries (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Panama, Peru and Puerto Rico) to 9 New entity in Chile (Fondo Esperanza)
Public-private partnership with the Authority of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises of Panama (AMPYME)
0% Close two new operations. Operating presence in another country

Extend the BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s current customer base of 620,584 by 20% Nearly 1 million customers in Latin America, with a social impact of more than 3.7 million people 100%

2 million more customers in Mexico and 1 million more in South
n.a. Continue expanding the customer base by strengthening the banking penetration process
Responsible banking Customer focus Approve a corporate manual for Group-wide transparent, clear and responsible (TCR) communication and design local implementation plans The corporate manual was approved 25% Design a TCR communication implementation plan in Spain

Joint global seminars with Global Retail and Business Banking and Communication and Brand with the development of communication plans by segment, including CR topics n.a. Carry out “people centricity” training workshops for segment managers

Responsible finance Set up a social, environmental and reputational risk committee, expanding the scope of the current Equator Principles committee Creation of the Social, Environmental and Reputational Risk (SER) Committee 100% Hold two sessions of the SER Committee

Human resources Boost initiatives that promote equal opportunity, the life/work balance and gender diversity, and extend the Genera social networking diversity tool throughout the Group Principal needs observed in the BBVA Group in terms of gender diversity, equal opportunity and work/life balance. Fields of action have been identified. Defined corporate initiatives to launch and develop 75% Implement and promote the corporate initiatives approved in each of the areas/countries
Evaluate progress of gender diversity after their implementation

Responsible investment Analyze the possibility of extending the exercise of voting rights to other geographical areas (currently only in Spain) Efforts have been made in preparing the necessary mechanisms to extend the exercise of voting rights to European companies for 2012 25% Extend the exercising of voting rights to European companies

Responsible procurement Approve and implement the sustainable procurement policy in the Group Hiring of consulting services, diagnostics drafting and action plan 0% Approve and implement the responsible procurement of the Group

Environment Increase the number of people working in ISO 14001 buildings by 20% 20,267 people in ISO 14001 buildings, marking an increase of 22% 100% The 2012 objective was achieved in 2011

Community involvement Consolidate the 60,000 children who benefit from the “Niños Adelante” (Forward, Children) program More than 60,000 primary and secondary school children were able to continue their studies and, thus, their families could also benefit (350,000 people) 100% Reach 65,000 children who benefit from the “Niños Adelante” integration scholarships program

Launch a global BBVA program to support social entrepreneurs I Edition of the Momentum Project successfully launched in Spain. 10 entrepreneurs supported, 7 sponsored
Approval of the creation of an investment vehicle with €3 million
Youth Entrepreneurial Program in Latin America
100% II Edition of the Momentum Project in Spain
I Edition of the Momentum Project in Mexico and Peru
Youth contests and workshops
