
January-June 2013

Net attributable profit

BBVA generated €1,147m in net attributable profit in the quarter and €2,882m for the first half of the year. This cumulative amount is clearly higher than the €1,510m posted for the same period in 2012, which included part of the impairment of assets related to the real estate sector in Spain. Excluding the figures from real estate activity in Spain, the pension business in Latin America and the reinsurance operation completed in the first quarter of 2013, the Group’s adjusted net attributable profit in the first half of 2013 stands at €1,812m.

By business area, Spain contributed €742m to the Group’s earnings in the first half of the year, real estate activity in Spain generated a loss of €629m, while Eurasia contributed €429m, Mexico €876m, South America €561m and the United States €213m.

Lastly, earnings per share (EPS) for the first half of the year were €0.51 (€0.32 in adjusted terms), return on total average assets (ROA) was 1.06% (0.71% adjusted), return on equity (ROE) 13.2% (8.3% adjusted), and the return on tangible equity (ROTE) 16.4% (10.3% adjusted).

Earnings per share (1)


(1) Adjusted.
ROA (1)


(1) Adjusted.
ROE (1) y ROTE (1)


(1) Adjusted.
