
Banking penetration plan for Latin America

As part of its banking penetration strategy for the region, BBVA has for a number of years been developing initiatives to bring basic financial services to places not covered by the branch network and segments of the population not covered by banking services. The banking correspondent program in Mexico and Colombia and the network of express agents in Peru are examples of alliances with commercial establishments that extend the Bank’s service network. At the end of 2010, the number of service points was 4,015 in Mexico, 171 in Colombia and 1,144 in Peru.

This plan, aimed at increasing the financial inclusion of people in the region who have no access to basic financial services, was completed in 2010 in South America. In all it has won a total of 7.7 millions of active customers and 2.6 millions of financed customers. Credit card finance amounted to €1,642m and consumer finance to €5,153m.

In 2010 the plan extended to 16.3 million active customers, 1,793 branches and 6,760 ATMs in Mexico.

Banking penetration plan in South America


  2010 2009 2008 2007 Target (1)
Number of active customers (1) (millions) 7.7 7.2 7.1 6.8 8.3
Number of financed customers (millions) 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.0 3.4
Card finance (2) (million euros) 1,642 1,110 997 763 1781
Consumer finance (2) (million euros) 5,153 4,263 4,502 3,331 5,540
(1) Series and targets recalculated according to the new regional and corporate indices and metrics for 2010. An active customer is one who has at least one commercial line holding or asset or liability balance that is not in default or marked as inactive. A financed customer is one with any of the following commercial lines: consumer, mortgage (in both cases with a balance and no default) or credit card (with a balance or payment within the last three months) (2) The series and targets are deflated for their presentation at constant exchange rates. Scope: South America

Banking penetration plan in Mexico

  2010 2009 2008 2007 Target
Number of active customers (millions) 16.3 15.3 15.1 14.6 18.0
Number of branches 1,793 1,779 1,843 1,765 2,010
Number of ATMs 6,760 6,237 5,814 5,333 7,500
Alcance: BBVA Bancomer.