
Corporate responsibility

In the first quarter of 2012, the Corporate Responsibility (CR) area introduced a new program called the “Social Balance Sheet,” based on systems of feedback and dialog with the Bank’s stakeholders aligned with its strategic vision. The aim of this program is to create an inventory of BBVA’s social and economic impacts on the development of the communities in which it has a presence. These impacts are derived above all from its main financial activity, but also from the social programs it promotes. In line with this initiative, the annual CR information for 2011 includes innovative indicators that provide a better measure of the social impact of the Group’s activity, such as the number of people who live in homes financed by BBVA, the number of jobs created during the year by the Bank or the total amount paid to its suppliers. Additionally and in accordance with its integrated reporting model, the most relevant non-financial information for 2011 has been published in the Group’s Annual Report. Other CR highlights during this period are as follows:

Responsible Banking

Responsible Finance. Environmental Finance magazine named BBVA Best Finance House in North America, for its financing of renewable energies in 2011. This award is one of the most prestigious in the sector. It is granted on the basis of votes by promoters, advisors, lawyers, banks and other agents involved in the renewable energy industry. It recognizes the commitment, capacity and results achieved by BBVA in financing and giving expert advice on renewable energy projects.

Customer-centric Approach. The CR website bancaparatodos.com has been awarded a EURACERT AA accessibility label by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) through Technosite, a company belonging to the FUNDOSA Group (the ONCE Foundation). This certificate guarantees that the website provides easy access to the greatest number of people, including those with disabilities or technological limitations.

Environment. BBVA once again took part in the “Earth Hour” campaign promoted by the environmental organization World Wildlife Fund (WWF). A total of 123 BBVA buildings and 424 branches in 220 cities in the 12 countries where the Group has its biggest presence turned off their lights as a sign of the Bank’s commitment to combating climate change. In line with this commitment, BBVA has also joined the “CDP Carbon Action” initiative, in which 35 institutional investors with total assets of 7.6 trillion dollars are already represented. Its aim is to urge companies to adopt direct measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Community Involvement

BBVA will allocate 1.9 million euros to support 202 community projects out of more than 2,600 proposed by its employees across Spain through the Territorios Solidarios (Territorial Solidarity) initiative set in motion by the Corporate Responsibility and Reputation area in Spain. The aim of the program is to bring its activity closer to the community and involve its employees in resource allocation. Additionally, during this quarter the “BBVA Suma” (BBVA makes a difference) project was launched. This digital platform provides collective funding for community projects. It offers users the chance of donating the sum of money they choose as often as they want, whether to large NGOs working in the most troubled and poorest countries in the world or to local projects that are vital for the development of the community in which they are located. With respect to boosting social enterprise, a total of 44 projects have already passed the first selection phase of the second edition of the Momentum Project. This program was launched last year by BBVA and ESADE, in partnership with the PwC Foundation, to train, advise and support 10 social enterprises and give them the tools they need to increase the reach of their activity.

BBVA in the Sustainability Indices

BBVA has a prominent position in the most important sustainability indices, with the following weighting at the close of the quarter (see table to the right).

Main sustainability indices in which BBVA participates

Weighting (%)
DJSI World 0.44
DJSI Europe 1.00
DJSI Eurozone 2.10
ASPI Eurozone Index 1.77
Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe 1.21
Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Global 0.78
MSCI World ESG Index 0.32
MSCI World ex USA ESG Index 0.63
MSCI Europe ESG Index 1.10
MSCI EAFE ESG Index 0.72
FTSE4Good Global 0.30
FTSE4Good Global 100 0.50
FTSE4Good Europe 0.72
FTSE4Good Europe 50 1.19

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