Board of Directors

This is how the board of directors is composed, with the each director’s post, type of directorship, date of first appointment to the seat and the date of the last re-election. To find out more about their professional background and other boards on which they sit, click on each director’s name.

DirectorPositionBirth yearType of directorshipDate of first appointmentDate of last re-election
Torres Vila, CarlosChair1966Executive04.05.201518.03.2022
Genç, OnurChief Executive Officer1974Executive20.12.201818.03.2022
Andrés Torrecillas, José MiguelDeputy Chair1955Independent13.03.201515.03.2024
Caruana Lacorte, JaimeDirector1952Independent16.03.201815.03.2024
Casanueva Nárdiz, EnriqueDirector1961Independent15.03.2024-
Dulá, SoniaDirector1961Independent17.03.2023-
Galamba de Oliveira, RaúlLead Director1964Independent13.03.202017.03.2023
Garijo López, BelénDirector1960External16.03.201215.03.2024
Hedegaard Koksbang, ConnieDirector1960Independent18.03.2022-
Máiz Carro, LourdesDirector1959Independent14.03.201417.03.2023
De Parias Halcón, CristinaDirector1965External15.03.2024-
Peralta Moreno, AnaDirector1961Independent16.03.201815.03.2024
Revenga Shanklin, AnaDirector1963Independent13.03.202017.03.2023
Salazar Lomelín, CarlosDirector1951External13.03.202017.03.2023
Verplancke, JanDirector1963Independent16.03.201815.03.2024

Secretary (not a Board member): Domingo Armengol Calvo

Deputy Secretary (not a Board member): Amaya Llovet Díaz

BBVA Board of Directors selection, suitability and diversity policy.

Following this link you may consult the Bank’s shares and options over these shares held by members of the Board of Directors of BBVA.

To find out the latest notifications from the members of the Board of Directors of BBVA regarding Bank’s shares, you can also consult the Public record from CNMV (Spanish stock exchange authority) on this link.

Updated page 24 February 2025