On March 15, BBVA helds the 2024 Annual General Meeting at which the bank’s consolidated financial statements and management reports  were approved, as well as the allocation of the results for 2023, which includes the payment of a gross dividend of €0.55 per share.

Access here all the documentation related to the 2024 General Meeting.

2023: growth and profitability

2023: growth and profitability

Carlos Torres Vila: “BBVA’s ability to combine growth and profitability sets us apart from our competitors”

See news

Shareholders back corporate management

Shareholders back corporate management

BBVA shareholders back corporate management with 98.2% percent of the votes and the quorum of the Meeting reached 71%, the highest in the history of the bank.

See news

AGM Presentations

The Group's activity in 2023

Annual Report and Letters from the Chair and CEO

Letter from the Chair

Carlos Torres Vila, BBVA's Chair

See letter

Annual Report 2023

Consolidated financial statements and management report

See report

Letter from the CEO

Onur Genç, BBVA's CEO

See letter

Summary report "BBVA in 2023"

Summary of the bank's activity in 2023

See report

Summary report "BBVA in 2023"

Summary of the bank's activity in 2023

See report




Commitment to Sustainability

For the fourth consecutive year, the bank donated 300,000 euros to social organizations on the occasion of the General Shareholders’ Meeting, which was certified as a sustainable event

Solidarity Initiative

Solidarity Initiative

BBVA donates €300,000 to social and environmental projects at its Annual General Meeting

See news

Sustainable AGM

Sustainable AGM

BBVA Shareholders' Meeting is certified as a sustainable event, in accordance with AENOR.

More information
Updated page 23 May 2024