
31 October 2023

BBVA earns €5.96 billion through September (+24 percent)

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09 October 2023

Onur Genç: “We have room to increase these earnings in the coming years”

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02 October 2023

Green light to BBVA's new €1 billion share buyback

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28 September 2023

BBVA to pay an interim dividend of €0.16 per share, up 33 percent from a year earlier

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21 September 2023

Onur Genç underscores BBVA’s earnings, profitability and future sustainability to investors

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13 September 2023

Carlos Torres Vila: “Decarbonization will occur when investments in emerging green technologies prove profitable”

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11 September 2023

BBVA places $1 billion CoCo issue in the US with demand exceeding three times the initial offer

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28 August 2023

BBVA places £300 million in a Tier 2 subordinated debt issue maturing in 2033

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31 July 2023

BBVA channeled €19 billion in sustainable business in the second quarter of 2023

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Updated page 29 September 2023