Until the fifth day before the date for which the General Meeting is scheduled, shareholders may request the Directors for information or clarification that they deem necessary or submit written queries regarding the matters on the agenda, information accessible to the public as provided by the Company to the CNMV (Spain's National Securities Market Commission) since the last session of the General Meeting and regarding the auditor's report.
Shareholders wishing to exercise their right to information may do so in writing, sending their communications to the Shareholder Helpdesk at C/ Azul 4, 28050 Madrid; or by email, through this mailbox, by completing the form below:
Request for information/clarification submitted:
We have allocated the following reference number to your mail:
Please write it down, and if you do not receive a reply, contact:
C/ Azul 4. 28050 Madrid
Telephone number: +34 91 2249821
(between 8 am and 10 pm from Monday to Friday)