
January - September 2012


BBVA’s equity as of 30-Sep-2012 was €43,750m, up 1.6% quarter-on-quarter and 9.7% year-on-year. This is manly explained by the partial conversion of the mandatory subordinated convertible bonds, the retained earnings of the period and the exchange rate differences.

Other customer funds

(Million euros)

30-09-12 Δ % 30-09-11 30-06-12 31-12-11
Spain 50,492 0.5 50,225 48,709 50,399
Mutual funds 18,987 (6.1) 20,220 18,694 19,598
Pension funds 17,695 5.7 16,741 17,192 17,224
Individual pension plans 10,075 5.0 9,600 9,729 9,930
Corporate pension funds 7,620 6.7 7,141 7,463 7,294
Customer portfolios 13,810 4.1 13,265 12,823 13,578
Rest of the world 109,622 26.0 87,027 105,180 93,892
Mutual funds and investment companies 22,417 20.2 18,654 22,113 19,697
Pension funds 73,386 27.9 57,377 69,569 61,424
Customer portfolios 13,819 25.7 10,996 13,499 12,771
Other customer funds 160,113 16.7 137,252 153,889 144,291
