
January-December 2013



In the aforementioned context, the area’s balance of performing loans as of 31-Dec-2013 declined over the quarter by 2.3%, so the amount under this heading is very similar to the close of the preceding year, €27,505m (up 0.9% year-on-year). This is due to the deleveraging process underway among the customers of the wholesale banking business in the region, since retail activity continues to perform well. Worth noting is the strong performance of Garanti Bank’s portfolios, particularly those of lira-denominated loans, which are up 27.6% in year-on-year terms. There has also been an improvement in the foreign-currency portfolio, geared to project finance (up 9.9% year-on-year).

As regards the area’s asset quality, there has been a slight upward movement in the NPA ratio in the quarter (from 2.9% as of 30-Sep-2013 to 3.4% as of 31-Dec-2013) due to the default of some one-off operations with wholesale customers in Garanti Bank (its NPA ratio increased from 2.0% in September to 2.1% at the close of December). The area’s coverage closed the year at 87% (91% as of September 2013).

Customer deposits under management closed the year at €16,475m, up 12.6% on the figure at the end of 2012. Noteworthy is the increase in the balances of wholesale banking customers, which were up 9.3% over the year, and in the retail business, which registered year-on-year growth rates of 13.6%. In customer funds, Garanti Bank’s local-currency deposits have performed well (up 20.6% year-on-year), well above the sector average (up 14.6%), which has resulted in a year-on-year increase in market share of around 50 basis points, according to the latest information available as of 31-Dec-2013. The year-on-year increase in foreign-currency deposits has been 3.5%.

Eurasia. Performing loans breakdown

(December 2013)

Eurasia. Breakdown of customer deposits under management

(December 2013)

Eurasia. Lending breakdown by geography


Eurasia. On-balance sheet customer funds breakdown by geography

