
information of prudential relevance 2012

4.2. Information on credit risks

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4.2.1. Exposure to credit risk

Pursuant to Rule Thirteen in the Solvency Circular concerning the capital requirements for credit risk, exposure is understood to be any asset item and all items included in the Group’s memorandum accounts involving credit risk and not deducted from the Group’s eligible capital. Accordingly, inclusion is made mainly of customer lending items, with their corresponding undrawn balances, letters of credit and guarantees, debt securities and capital instruments, cash and deposits in central banks and credit institutions, assets purchased or sold under a repurchase agreement (asset and liability repos), financial derivatives and fixed assets.

Below is a presentation of the original exposure and the allowances for losses under the advanced measurement and standardized approaches as of December 31, 2012 and 2011. In accordance with section one of Rule Twenty-eight of the Solvency Circular, only the exposure net of allowances is presented for those exposures calculated under the standardized approach.

In the comparison between the two exercises there can be seen to be a growth in credit risk exposures calculated by the standard method. This is basically due to the entry of Unnim into the Group's portfolio and the increased lending activity in the Group's subsidiaries in Latin America:

  • The original exposure to central and regional government and other public-sector authorities falls due to lower volumes in repos.
  • Exposure to companies increases due to the incorporation of the Unnim loan book into the Group's portfolio and the increased activity in this segment in the Latin American subsidiaries of Mexico, Venezuela and Chile.
  • In the case of retail exposure, the growth in the original exposure is once more explained by Unnim, with €3 billion, and the growth of business in the Latin American subsidiaries.
  • The increased exposure in the category of real-estate collateralized loans is due to a combination of two effects: the Unnim portfolio (€10.5 billion) and a fall by a transfer of part of the portfolio of Spain to internal models.
  • The increased exposure to default corresponds basically to Unnim.

With respect to exposure by credit risk calculated using internal models, the categories of Institutions and Corporates is reduced by the deleveraging in the Spanish market mentioned above.

The increase in the retail categories is due basically to the transfer to internal consumer, credit card and mortgage models.


(Million euros)

Exposure after applying conversion factors
Category of exposure Original exposure (1) Provisions (2) Exposure net of provisions (3) On-balance-sheet exposure after mitigation techniques Off-balance-sheet exposure after mitigation techniques Fully adjusted value of the exposure Average CCF EAD
Central governments and central banks 108,378 -193 108,185 97,958 3,197 101,155 73% 100,299
Regional governments and local authorities 9,361 0 9,361 6,775 255 7,030 43% 6,884
Public-sector institutions and other public entities 3,096 -1 3,095 2,990 1,365 4,355 40% 3,539
Multilateral development banks 187 0 187 67 133 200 12% 83
International organizations 34 0 34 34 0 34 1% 34
Institutions 18,855 -12 18,843 12,799 5,937 18,736 16% 13,761
Corporates 98,219 -1,686 96,533 56,930 33,486 90,417 31% 67,341
Retail 55,783 -195 55,589 38,875 13,778 52,653 11% 40,345
Collateralized with real-estate property 54,193 -169 54,024 51,164 45 51,209 23% 51,174
Default status 11,489 -2,581 8,908 8,014 55 8,069 61% 8,048
High risk 1,596 -73 1,523 1,327 37 1,364 22% 1,335
Guaranteed bonds 503 0 503 503 0 503 0% 503
Short-term to institutions and corporates 656 0 656 645 0 645 0% 645
Mutual funds 53 0 53 24 28 52 100% 52
Other exposures 23,081 -7 23,074 27,350 489 27,838 31% 27,502
TOTAL STANDARDIZED APPROACH 385,483 -4,916 380,567 305,457 58,804 364,261 - 321,544
Central governments and central banks 1,092 -2
1,947 859 2,805 51% 2,382
Institutions 77,129 -53
71,686 5,882 77,568 60% 75,187
Corporates 133,851 -6,284
75,084 56,583 131,668 55% 106,014
Retail 94,022 -1,501
83,895 10,159 94,054 27% 86,653
Secured by real-estate collateral 70,970 -445
70,590 380 70,970 10% 70,630
Qualifying revolving retail 16,415 -622
6,742 9,674 16,415 28% 9,427
Other retail assets 6,636 -434
6,563 105 6,668 32% 6,596
232,611 73,483 306,095 - 270,237
SUBTOTAL CREDIT RISK (securitizations and equity positions not included) 691,577 -12,757
538,069 132,287 670,356 - 591,781
Securitized positions 9,409 -177
9,361 0 9,361 0 9,277
Standardized Approach 6,685 -47 6,637 6,637 - 6,637 0 6,553
Advanced Measurement Approach 2,724 -130
2,724 - 2,724 0 2,724
Equity 6,234 -225
5,744 - 5,744 0 6,234
Simple Method 947 -66
947 - 947 0 947
Non-trading equity instruments in sufficiently diversified portfolios 694 -64
694 - 694 0 694
Exchange-traded equity instruments 253 -2
253 - 253 0 253
PD/LGD Method 4,798 0
4,798 - 4,798 0% 4,798
Internal Models 489 -159
0 - 0 0% 489
TOTAL CREDIT RISK 707,220 -13,160
553,174 132,287 685,462 - 607,292
(1) Gross exposure prior to the application of risk mitigation techniques.
(2) It includes provisions for the impairment of assets (financial and non-financial) and other valuation adjustments, with the exception of the generic provision included in the capital base as more Additional Capital, as per Rule Eight in the Solvency Circular.
(3) Exposures are adjusted solely by provisions in the case of exposures by the Standardized Approach.

(Million euros)

Exposure after applying conversion factors
Category of exposure Original exposure (1) Provisions (2) Exposure net of provisions (3) On-balance-sheet exposure after mitigation techniques Off-balance-sheet exposure after mitigation techniques Fully adjusted value of the exposure Average CCF EAD
Central governments and central banks 112,419 -11 112,408 79,807 3,532 83,339 70% 82,274
Regional governments and local authorities 12,128 0 12,128 7,117 3,061 10,178 63% 9,044
Public-sector institutions and other public entities 4,115 0 4,114 3,218 807 4,025 49% 3,613
Multilateral development banks 39 - 39 34 22 55 0% 34
International organizations 12 0 12 12 0 12 0% 12
Institutions 16,293 -24 16,269 12,278 4,198 16,476 18% 13,014
Corporates 92,579 -1,576 91,003 57,107 30,261 87,368 41% 69,518
Retail 48,151 -287 47,864 33,445 13,312 46,757 16% 35,618
Collateralized with real-estate property 45,300 -111 45,189 43,680 211 43,891 49% 43,784
Default status 8,632 -1,175 7,457 7,395 7 7,402 59% 7,399
High risk 1,874 -42 1,833 1,754 55 1,809 48% 1,781
Guaranteed bonds 78 0 78 78 0 78 0% 78
Short-term to institutions and corporates 895 0 895 895 0 895 0% 895
Mutual funds 216 0 216 164 52 216 99% 215
Other exposures 20,522 -12 20,510 26,208 788 26,997 70% 26,763
TOTAL STANDARDIZED APPROACH 363,252 -3,237 360,015 273,192 56,306 329,497 - 294,042
Central governments and central banks 1,909 -4
2,755 993 3,748 48% 3,228
Institutions 98,320 -44
91,098 7,674 98,772 56% 95,412
Corporates 156,313 -3,356
91,360 62,661 154,021 52% 123,761
Retail 82,430 -1,059
76,550 5,880 82,430 33% 78,512
Secured by real-estate collateral 68,859 -392
68,643 217 68,859 12% 68,668
Qualifying revolving retail 10,374 -536
4,711 5,663 10,374 34% 6,648
Other retail assets 3,196 -131
3,196 0 3,196 100% 3,196
261,763 77,208 338,972 - 300,913
SUBTOTAL CREDIT RISK (securitizations and equity positions not included) 702,224 -7,701
534,955 133,514 668,469 - 594,954
Securitized positions 8,396 -255
8,264 0 8,264 0 8,264
Standardized Approach 6,351 -131 6,220 6,220 - 6,220 0 6,220
Advanced Measurement Approach 2,045 -123
2,045 - 2,045 0 2,045
Equity 6,426 -433
5,946 - 5,946 0 6,426
Simple Method 1,216 -314
1,216 - 1,216 0 1,216
Non-trading equity instruments in sufficiently diversified portfolios 610 -27
610 - 610 0 610
Exchange-traded equity instruments 606 -287
606 - 606 0 606
PD/LGD Method 4,730 -2
4,730 - 4,730 0% 4,730
Internal Models 480 -117
0 - 0 0% 480
TOTAL CREDIT RISK 717,045 -8,389
549,165 133,514 682,679 - 609,644
(1) Gross exposure prior to the application of risk mitigation techniques.
(2) It includes provisions for the impairment of assets (financial and non-financial) and other valuation adjustments, with the exception of the generic provision included in the capital base as more Additional Capital, as per Rule Eight in the Solvency Circular.
(3) Exposures are adjusted solely by provisions in the case of exposures by the Standardized Approach.

4.2.2. Average value of the exposures throughout 2012 and 2011.

(Million euros)

Original average exposure for the period
Category of exposure 2012 2011
Central governments and central banks 107,063 105,229
Regional governments and local authorities 9,034 8,811
Public-sector institutions and other public entities 2,967 4,162
Multilateral development banks 82 45
International organizations 396 12
Institutions 19,396 16,483
Corporates 96,500 84,920
Retail 55,665 46,872
Collateralized with real-estate property 49,547 46,236
Default status 9,978 8,714
High risk 1,749 1,967
Guaranteed bonds 361 34
Short-term to institutions and corporates 757 694
Mutual funds 140 138
Other exposures 21,852 17,870
Central governments and central banks 1,515 3,059
Institutions 91,627 96,325
Corporates 143,931 157,715
Retail 92,077 82,726
Secured by real-estate collateral 70,933 69,324
Qualifying revolving retail 15,119 10,109
Other retail assets 6,024 3,294
SUBTOTAL CREDIT RISK (securitizations and equity positions not included) 704,633 682,014
Securitized positions 9,073 8,234
Standardized Approach 6,603 6,063
Advanced Measurement Approach 2,469 2,171
Equity 6,069 6,875
Simple Method 1,068 1,294
Non-trading equity instruments in sufficiently diversified portfolios 649 787
Exchange-traded equity instruments 419 507
PD/LGD Method 4,526 5,054
Internal Models 475 527
TOTAL CREDIT RISK 719,776 697,122

4.2.3. Distribution by geographical area

The following chart present the distribution by significant geographic areas of the original exposure by country pursuant to the obligor's country. The breakdown includes exposure under the standardized and advanced measurement approaches, without including positions in equity.


(Million euros)

Original exposure by geographical area
Category of exposure Total Europe Mexico U.S. South America Rest of the World
Central governments and central 108,378 72,769 12,857 5,732 17,000 20
banks 9,361 1,752 6,387 968 189 65
Regional governments and local 3,096 1,337 0 269 1,490 0
authorities 18,855 9,019 2,522 89 7,127 98
Public-sector institutions and other 98,219 20,409 18,244 35,990 23,111 465
public entities 55,783 19,075 7,020 6,214 23,450 25
Institutions 54,193 19,618 10,795 12,379 11,397 4
Corporates 6,685 1,824 82 4,779 0 0
Retail 37,598 19,896 7,847 2,821 6,916 117
TOTAL CREDIT RISK BY THE STANDARDIZED APPROACH 392,168 165,698 65,756 69,240 90,679 794
Central governments and central banks 1,092 40 3 218 552 280
Institutions 77,129 71,030 19 3,827 310 1,944
Corporates 133,851 116,677 1,260 8,203 3,130 4,581
Retail 94,022 81,271 12,604 18 40 89
Securitized positions 2,724 2,674 0 13 0 38
TOTAL CREDIT RISK BY THE ADVANCED MEASUREMENT APPROACH 308,819 271,692 13,885 12,279 4,032 6,931
TOTAL CREDIT RISK 700,986 437,390 79,641 81,520 94,711 7,725
Note: Equity positions are not included.

The next table shows the distribution by geographical area of the book balances of the non-performing and impaired exposures of financial and non-financial assets and for contingent liabilities.


(Million euros)

Total Europe Mexico U.S. and Puerto Rico South America Rest of the World
Non-performing and impaired exposures 19,824 17,017 1,315 834 634 25
Note: Accounting balances solvency perimeter. Equity positions are not included.

The next table shows the distribution by geographical area of the book balances of the allowances for financial asset losses and for contingent liabilities.


(Million euros)

Total Europe Mexico U.S. and Puerto Rico South America Rest of the World
Non-performing and impaired exposures 14,917 10,766 1,683 924 1,505 39
Note: Accounting balances solvency perimeter. Equity positions are not included.

4.2.4. Distribution by sector

The following table shows the distribution by economic sector (standardized and advanced measurement approaches) of the original exposure. The breakdown does not include positions in equity.


(Million euros)

Original exposure by sector
Category of exposure Total EECC, Insurance and Financial Brokerage Public sector Agriculture Industry Construction Commercial Individuals Other sectors
Central governments and central banks 108,378

Regional governments and local authorities 9,361

Public-sector institutions and other public entities 3,096

Institutions 18,855 2.7%

Corporates 98,219 0.9%
0.5% 1.8% 1.2% 5.9%
Retail 55,783 0.1%
0.1% 0.4% 0.2% 0.9% 5.2% 0.9%
Collateralized with real-estate property 54,193

0.1% 0.1% 0.9% 0.4% 5.0% 0.3%
Securitized positions 6,685 0.3% 0.5%


Other exposures 37,598 0.4%
0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% 0.8% 2.9%
TOTAL CREDIT RISK BY THE STANDARDIZED APPROACH 392,168 4.3% 17.8% 0.7% 2.5% 2.7% 7.6% 10.9% 6.6%
Central governments and central banks 1,092

Institutions 77,129 7.4% 3.6%

Corporates 133,851 2.1% 0.6% 0.1% 6.8% 2.0% 2.1% 0.0% 3.3%
Retail 94,022

Securitized positions 2,724 0.4%

TOTAL CREDIT RISK BY THE ADVANCED MEASUREMENT APPROACH 308,819 9.9% 4.3% 0.1% 6.8% 2.0% 2.1% 13.4% 3.4%
TOTAL CREDIT RISK 700,986 14.2% 22.2% 0.8% 9.3% 4.8% 9.7% 24.3% 9.9%
Note: Equity positions are not included.

The following table shows the distribution by counterparty of the book balances of the non-performing and impaired exposures of financial assets and contingent liabilities.


(Million euros)

Total EECC, Insurance and Financial Brokerage Public sector Corporates Retail Other sectors
Non-performing and impaired exposures 19,824 1.8% 1.0% 62.2% 26.3% 8.7%
Note: Accounting balances solvency perimeter. Equity positions are not included.

The next table shows the distribution by counterparty of the book balances of allowances for financial asset losses and for contingent exposures:


(Million euros)

Total EECC, Insurance and Financial Brokerage Public sector Corporates Retail Other sectors
Specific value adjustments 9,830 1.8% 0.8% 68.5% 21.7% 7.2%
Generic provisions 5,047

Country risk 40

Value adjustments and provisions, total 14,917

Note: Accounting balances solvency perimeter. Equity positions are not included.

4.2.5. Distribution by residual maturity

The following table presents the distribution of original exposure by residual maturity, broken down by category of exposure under the standardized and advanced measurement approaches:


(Million euros)

Original exposure by residual maturity
Category of exposure Total Less than 1 year Between 1 and 5 years Over 5 years
Central governments and central banks 108,378 68,441 25,664 14,273
Regional governments and local authorities 9,361 2,163 1,385 5,813
Public-sector institutions and other public entities 3,096 1,674 880 542
Institutions 18,855 9,625 5,263 3,967
Corporates 98,219 37,817 36,889 23,513
Retail 55,783 21,417 20,565 13,802
Collateralized with real-estate property 54,193 5,588 14,870 33,735
Securitized positions 6,685 133 1,303 5,249
Other exposures (1) 37,598 19,067 8,968 9,562
Central governments and central banks 1,092 174 311 607
Institutions 77,129 37,894 19,022 20,213
Corporates 133,851 61,948 38,989 32,914
Retail 94,022 696 4,224 89,102
Securitized positions 2,724 63 490 2,171
TOTAL CREDIT RISK (2) 700,986 266,701 178,822 255,463
(1) Other exposures includes mainly cash (under 1 year) and fixed assets (over 5 years).
(2) Equity Positions are not included.

4.2.6. Value adjustments for impairment losses and allowances for contingent risks and commitments

The following table presents the movement recorded in the years 2012 and 2011 in the allowance for impairment losses of financial assets on the balance sheet and for contingent liabilities and commitments, including country risk, generic and specific allowances.

(Million euros)

Item Financial assets value adjustments and provisions Provisions for Contingent Liabilities and Commitments Total

BALANCE AT START OF 2010 10,039 291 10,330
Increase in impairment charged to income 10,643 105 10,747
Decrease in impairment credited to income -2,333 -44 -2,377
Institutions acquired by the Group during the year 2,067 5 2,072
Institutions disposed of during the year 0 0 0
Transfers to written-off loans -4,143 0 -4,143
Exchange differences and other transactions -1,471 -16 -1,487
BALANCE AT END OF YEAR 2011 14,801 341 15,142
For impaired portfolio 9,889 166 10,055
For current non-impaired portfolio 4,912 175 5,087
Note: Solvency perimeter.
(Million euros)
Item Financial assets value adjustments and provisions Provisions for Contingent Liabilities and Commitments Total

BALANCE AT START OF 2011 10,093 264 10,357
Increase in impairment charged to income 6,103 17 6,120
Decrease in impairment credited to income -1,551 -24 -1,574
Institutions acquired by the Group during the year 305 12 317
Institutions disposed of during the year 0 0 -
Transfers to written-off loans -4,114 0 -4,114
Exchange differences and other transactions -797 22 -775
BALANCE AT END OF YEAR 2012 10,039 291 10,330
For impaired portfolio 6,903 135 7,038
For current non-impaired portfolio 3,105 157 3,262
Note: Solvency perimeter.

4.2.7. Total impairment losses for the period

The following table shows details of impairment losses and allowances on financial assets and contingent risks and commitments, as well as derecognition of losses previously recognized in asset write-offs recorded directly in the income statement in 2012 and 2011.

(Million euros)

Items 2012 2011
Financial assets 7,980 4,226
Of which:

Recovery of written-off assets 337 327
Contingent exposure and commitments [recoveries (–)] 61 -6
Note: Solvency perimeter.
