
information of prudential relevance 2012

10.7. Quantitative information on the remuneration of the Identified Staff

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Below is a breakdown by area of activity of the total remuneration of the Identified Staff generated in 2012, and that will be paid according to the settlement and payment scheme established in section 10.3.2 c. Payment will be complete in 2016, provided that the "malus clauses" are not applied:

(Thousand euros)

Activity of Identified Staff Total remuneration 2012
Investment Banking (1) 37,471
Commercial Banking (2) 27,101
Other (3) 50,410
Total for Identified Staff 114,982
(1) It includes wholesale and investment banking activities.
(2) It includes retail and commercial banking and insurance activities.
(3) Other activities, plus members of the Management Committee and Asset Management.

The following table gives aggregate information on the remuneration of the Identified Staff, broken down by type of employees and executive managers:

(Thousand euros))

2012 remuneration for Identified Staff (1) Executive directors Other senior executives Rest of Identified Staff Total for Identified Staff
Total fixed remuneration paid in the year 3,750 10,302 47,118 61,170
Total variable remuneration for 2012 (2) 5,053 10,413 38,345 53,812
In cash 2,527 5,135 18,904 26,566
In shares or related instruments 2,527 5,278 19,441 27,246
In other instruments 0 0 0 0
Total deferred variable remuneration (3) 5,476 11,163 27,681 44,320
Consolidated 0 0 0 0
Not consolidated 5,476 11,163 27,681 44,320
In cash 2,354 4,846 12,976 20,176
In shares or related instruments 3,123 6,317 14,705 24,145
In other instruments 0 0 0 0
Total deferred remuneration granted in the year 2,527 5,197 15,308 23,032
Total deferred remuneration paid in the year 1,475 2,983 6,186 10,644
Amount of explicit ex post performance adjustment applied in the year on remuneration paid in previous years 0 0 0 0
Number of beneficiaries (1) 2 14 116 132
Number of employees receiving severance pay 0 0 7 7
Total severance pay paid in the year 0 0 6,160 6,160
(1) Includes all employees who have occupied positions defined as among the Identified Staff for more than 6 months in 2012.
(2) Includes the annual variable remuneration generated in 2012, whether paid immediately or deferred.
(3) Includes the total variable remuneration generated in 2012 that has been deferred: two thirds of the annual variable remuneration generated in 2011 that was deferred and two thirds of the ILP 2010-2011 that was deferred.

There was only one new hire in the Identified Staff in 2012, and for reasons of confidentiality the corresponding information on remuneration is not included.
