
information of prudential relevance 2012

3.2. Procedure employed in the internal capital adequacy assessment process

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The Group’s budgeting process is where it makes the calculations both for economic capital at risk allocated by the different business areas and for the capital base. Economic capital is calculated by internal models that collect the historical data existing in the Group and calculate the capital necessary for pursuit of the activity adjusted for risks inherent to it. These calculations include additional risks to those contemplated in regulatory Pillar I.

The following points are assessed within the internal capital adequacy assessment process:

  • The Group’s risk profile: Measurement of the risks (credit, operational, market, liquidity and other asset and liability risks) and quantification of the capital necessary to cover them. The analysis and valuation of the Bank's risk profile is supported by a description of the current situation and projections by type of risk described. The valuation is supported by both quantitative data and qualitative factors.
  • Systems of risk governance, management and control: Review of the corporate risk management culture and Internal Audit. The BBVA Group has developed a system of corporate governance that is in line with the best international practices and adapted it to the requirements of the regulators in the country in which its different units operate.
  • Capital resources target: Capital distribution between the Group’s companies and the targets marked for it. The capital management policies designed to comply with these objectives include: regular estimates of capital needs; continuous management of the capital structure; and concentration of the capital surpluses in the Group's parent.
  • Capital planning: A projection is made of the Group’s capital base and that of the parent and its main subsidiaries for the next three years and capital sufficiency is analyzed at the end of the period. Furthermore, a stress test is performed using a scenario in which macroeconomic values are estimated for a global-level, economic recession scenario and the consequences of this on the Group’s activity (increased NPA, lower activity levels, higher volatility in the financial markets, falls in the stock market, operating losses, liquidity crises, etc.) and its impact on the capital base (income, reserves, capacity to issue equity instruments, allowances, risk-weighted assets, etc.). Estimations are also made on the possible cyclical nature of the models used. The stress scenarios cover recession situations in sufficiently long periods (20-30 years). Finally, backtesting is carried out on the data presented for the previous year.
  • Future action program: If the conclusions of the report so require, corrective actions are programmed that enable the Bank’s equity situation to be optimized in view of the risks analyzed. The main programs for future action are focused on models of: credit risk, operational risk, market risk, real-estate risk and integration in management.

The internal capital adequacy assessment process concludes with a document which is sent annually to the Bank of Spain for supervision of the targets and the action plan presented, enabling a dialog to be set up between the Supervisor and the Group concerning capital and solvency.
