
financial statements 2012

42. Fee and commission income

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The breakdown of the balance under this heading in the accompanying consolidated income statements is as follows:

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Fee and Commission Income Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
Commitment fees 186 157 133
Contingent risks 355 318 282
Letters of credit 60 54 45
Bank and other guarantees 295 264 237
Arising from exchange of foreign currencies and banknotes 25 25 19
Collection and payment services income 3,088 2,694 2,500
Bills receivables 77 67 60
Current accounts 404 360 402
Credit and debit cards 1,913 1,619 1,384
Checks 224 229 263
Transfer and others payment orders 338 294 274
Rest 132 125 117
Securities services income 1,147 1,105 1,142
Securities underwriting 100 70 64
Securities dealing 206 200 181
Custody securities 329 330 357
Investment and pension funds 388 389 414
Rest assets management 124 116 126
Counseling on and management of one-off transactions 8 13 11
Financial and similar counseling services 40 55 60
Factoring transactions 38 33 29
Non-banking financial products sales 107 97 102
Other fees and commissions 580 578 586
Total 5,574 5,075 4,864