
financial statements 2012

32. Non-controlling interests

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The breakdown by groups of consolidated companies of the balance under the heading “Non-controlling interests” of total equity in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets is as follows:

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Non-Controlling Interest Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
BBVA Colombia Group 51 42 36
BBVA Chile Group 495 409 375
BBVA Banco Continental Group 697 580 501
BBVA Banco Provincial Group 883 655 431
BBVA Banco Francés Group 191 162 161
Other companies 56 45 52
Total 2,373 1,893 1,556

These amounts are broken down by groups of consolidated companies under the heading “Net income attributed to non-controlling interests” in the accompanying consolidated income statements:

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Net Income attributed to Non-Controlling Interests Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
BBVA Colombia Group 13 9 8
BBVA Chile Group 100 95 89
BBVA Banco Continental Group 209 165 150
BBVA Banco Provincial Group 265 163 98
BBVA Banco Francés Group 58 44 37
Other companies 6 5 7
Total 651 481 389