
financial statements 2013

58. Other information

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58.1 Environmental impact

Given the activities BBVA Group entities engage in, the Group has no environmental liabilities, expenses, assets, provisions or contingencies that could have a significant effect on its consolidated equity, financial situation and profits. Consequently, as of 31 December, 2013, there is no item in the Group’s accompanying consolidated financial statements that requires disclosure in an environmental information report pursuant to Ministry of Economy Order JUS/206/2009 dated January 28, implementing new forms for the use of entities obliged to publish such information, and no specific disclosure of information on environmental matters is included in these statements.

58.2 List of agents of credit institutions

The list of agents of BBVA as set out in Article 22 of Royal Decree 1245/1995 of 14 July, of the Ministry of Finance is detailed in the individual financial statements of the Bank for the year 2013.

58.3 Activity Report of the customer service department

The activity report of the customer service department required under Article 17 of the ECO/734/2004 of 11 March, of the Ministry of Economy, is included in the consolidated Management Report attached to the financial year 2013 consolidated financial statements.

58.4. Reporting requirements of the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV)

Dividends paid in the year

The table below presents the dividends per share paid in cash in 2013, 2012, and 2011 (cash basis accounting, regardless of the year in which they were accrued), but without including other shareholder remuneration, such as the “Dividend Option”. See Note 4 for a complete analysis of all remuneration awarded to shareholders during the year ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011.

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Dividends Paid
("Dividend Option" not included)
2013 2012 2011
Ordinary shares 41% 0.20 1,117 41% 0.20 1,029 39% 0.19 859
Rest of shares - - - - - - - 0.00 -
Total dividends paid in cash 41% 0.20 1,117 41% 0.20 1,029 39% 0.19 859
Dividends with charge to income 41% 0.20 1,117 41% 0.20 1,029 39% 0.19 859
Dividends with charge to reserve or share premium - - - - - - - - -
Dividends in kind - - - - - - - - -
Earnings and ordinary income by business segment

The detail of the consolidated profit for the year ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 for each operating segment is as follows:

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Profit attributable by Operating Segments Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Spain 583 1,162 1,075
Real Estate Activity in Spain (1,254) (4,044) (809)
Eurasia 454 404 563
Mexico 1,805 1,689 1,638
South America 1,249 1,199 898
United States 390 443 (713)
Subtotal operating segments 3,227 853 2,654
Corporate Center (999) 823 351
Profit attributable to parent company 2,228 1,676 3,005
Non-assigned income - - -
Elimination of interim income (between segments) - - -
Other gains (losses) (*) 753 651 481
Income tax and/or profit from discontinued operations (1,820) (745) (87)
Operating profit before tax 1,160 1,583 3,399
(*) Profit attributable to non-controlling interests.

For the year ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 the detail of the BBVA Group’s ordinary income for each operating segment, which is made up of the “Interest and similar income”, “Dividend income”, “Fee and commission income”, “Net gains (losses) on financial assets and liabilities” and “Other operating income”, is as follows:

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Ordinary Profit by Operating Segments Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Spain 6,095 6,665 6,246
Real Estate (38) (84) 124
Eurasia 1,721 1,665 1,467
Mexico 6,201 5,756 5,323
South America 5,630 5,360 4,099
United States 2,101 2,243 2,182
Corporate Center and other adjustments (*) (314) 288 88
Adjustments and eliminations of ordinary profit between segments (439) (68) 112
Total Ordinary Profit BBVA Group 20,958 21,824 19,640
Issuances by market type

Changes in debt certificates (including bonds) and subordinated liabilities (see Note 23.3) in the year ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 by the type of market in which they were issued are as follows:

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Debt Certificates and Subordinated
Liabilities 2013
Millions of Euros
at the
Issuances Repurchase
and Other
at the
Debt certificates issued in the European Union 85,022 13,609 (37,011) (140) 61,479
With information brochure 84,853 13,609 (37,011) (140) 61,311
Without information brochure 169 - - - 169
Other debt certificates issued outside the European Union 13,049 2,324 (1,675) (499) 13,199
Total 98,070 15,933 (38,686) (639) 74,679
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Debt Certificates and Subordinated
Liabilities 2012
Millions of Euros
at the
Issuances Repurchase
and Other
at the
Debt certificates issued in the European Union 85,924 58,702 (71,644) 12,040 85,022
With information brochure 85,855 58,602 (71,644) 12,040 84,853
Without information brochure 69 100 - - 169
Other debt certificates issued outside the European Union 11,425 3,538 (2,524) 610 13,049
Total 97,349 62,239 (74,167) 12,650 98,070
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Debt Certificates and Subordinated
Liabilities 2011
Millions of Euros
Balance at the Beginning Issuances Repurchase or Redemption Exchange Differences and Other Balance at the End
Debt certificates issued in the European Union 93,166 104,721 (97,115) (14,884) 85,888
With information brochure 93,110 104,721 (97,115) (14,884) 85,832
Without information brochure 56 - - - 56
Other debt certificates issued outside the European Union 9,433 2,277 (527) (644) 10,539
Total 102,599 106,998 (97,642) (15,528) 96,427
Interest and income by geographical area

The breakdown of the balance of “Interest and Similar Income” in the accompanying consolidated income statements by geographical area is as follows:

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Interest and Similar Income.
Breakdown by Geographical Area
Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Domestic market 7,965 9,299 9,584
Foreign 15,547 15,516 13,645
European Union 523 757 812
Rest of OECD 7,999 8,193 7,480
Rest of countries 7,025 6,566 5,353
Total 23,512 24,815 23,229