
financial statements 2013

45. Other operating income and expenses

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The breakdown of the balance under the heading “Other operating income” in the accompanying consolidated income statements is as follows:

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Other Operating Income Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Income on insurance and reinsurance contracts 3,761 3,631 3,299
Financial income from non-financial services 851 807 643
Of Which: Real estate companies 445 278 177
Rest of other operating income 383 327 270
Of Which: from rented buildings 73 57 52
Total 4,995 4,765 4,212

The breakdown of the balance under the heading “Other operating expenses” in the accompanying consolidated income statements is as follows:

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Other Operating Expenses Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Expenses on insurance and reinsurance contracts 2,831 2,646 2,425
Change in inventories 495 406 298
Of Which: Real estate companies 428 267 161
Rest of other operating expenses 2,301 1,653 1,296
Of Which: Contributions to guaranteed banks deposits funds (*) 815 668 460
Total 5,627 4,705 4,019
(*) Includes for 2013 a special contribution to the Deposit Guarantee Fund established by Royal Decree-Law 6/2013.