
financial statements 2013

34. Contingent risks and commitments

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The breakdown of the balance under these headings in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets is as follows:

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Contingent Risks and Commitments Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Contingent Risks

Collateral, bank guarantees and indemnities 28,082 29,976 29,532
Rediscounts, endorsements and acceptances 39 36 35
Letter of credit and others 5,422 7,007 8,062
Total Contingent Risks 33,543 37,019 37,629
Contingent Liabilities

Balances drawable by third parties: 87,542 83,519 86,375
Credit Institutions 1,583 1,946 2,417
Government and other government agency 4,354 1,360 3,143
Other resident sectors 20,713 21,982 24,119
Non-resident sector 60,892 58,231 56,696
Other contingent liabilities 6,628 6,623 4,313
Total Contingent liabilities 94,170 90,142 90,688
Total contingent risks and contingent liabilities 127,713 127,161 128,317

Since a significant portion of the amounts above will expire without any payment obligation materializing for the consolidated entities, the aggregate balance of these commitments cannot be considered as an actual future requirement for financing or liquidity to be provided by the BBVA Group to third parties.

In 2013, 2012 and 2011 no issuance of debt securities carried out by associate entities of the BBVA Group, joint venture entities or non-Group entities have been guaranteed.
