
Information of Prudential Relevance 2015

2.2. Amount of capital

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The accompanying table shows the amount of eligible capital, net of deductions, of the different elements comprising the capital base:

Table 5. Amount of capital

(Million euros)

31/12/2015 31/12/2014
a) Capital and share premium 27,112 27,016
b) Retained earnings 21,022 18,813
c) Other accumulated earnings (and reserves) (1,904) (1,272)
d) Minority interests 7,143 1,886
e) Net attrib. profit and interim and final Group dividends 1,456 1,871
Ordinary Tier 1 Capital before other reglamentary adjustments 54,829 48,314
f) Additional value adjustments (195) (340)
g) Intangible assets (3,901) (1,747)
h) Deferred tax assets (75) (28)
i) Expected losses in equity (31) (44)
j) Profit or losses on liabilities measured at fair value (136) (67)
k) Direct and indirect holdings of own instruments (511) (588)
l) Securitizations tranches at 1250% (89) (158)
m) Temporary CET1 adjustments (788) (724)
n) Admisible CET1 deductions (549) (2,786)
Total Common Equity Tier 1 regulatory adjustments (6,275) (6,482)
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) 48,554 41,832
o) Equity instruments and share premium classified as liabilities 4,439 2,735
p) Items referred in Article 484 (4) of the CRR 862 1,470
Additional Tier 1 before reglamentary adjustments 5,302 4,205
q) Temporary adjustments Tier 1 (5,302) (4,205)
Total reglamentary adjustments of Additional Tier 1 (5,302) (4,205)
Additional Tier 1 (AT1) - -
Tier 1 (Common Equity Tier 1+Additional Tier 1) 48,554 41,832
r) Equity instruments and share premium 2,006 2,223
s) Amount of the admissible items, pursuant to Article 484 429 604
t) Admissible shareholders' funds instruments included in consolidated Tier 2 issued by subsidiaries and held by third parties 5,716 5,366
-Of which: instruments issued by subsidiaries subject to ex-subsidiary stage (99) 1,051
u) Credit risk adjustments 3,496 2,793
Tier 2 before reglamentary adjustments 11,646 10,986
Tier 2 reglamentary adjustments - -
Tier 2 11,646 10,986
Total Capital (Total capital = Tier 1 + Tier 2) 60,200 52,818
Total RWA's 401,285 350,802
CET 1 (phased-in) 12.1% 11.9%
CET 1 (fully-loaded) 10.3% 10.4%
Tier 1 (phased-in) 12.1% 11.9%
Tier 1 (fully-loaded) 11.6% 11.1%
Total Capital (phased-in) 15.0% 15.1%
Total Capital (fully-loaded) 14.4% 14.2%

The process followed is shown below, according to the recommendations issued by the EBA and in line with the exercise of transparency conducted by the Bank. Based on the shareholders’ equity reported in the Group’s Annual Consolidated Financial Statements and by applying the deductions and adjustments shown in the table below, the regulatory capital figure for solvency purposes is arrived at:

Table 6. Reconciliation of the Public Balance Sheet from the accounting perimeter to the regulatory perimeter

(Millions of euros)

31/12/2015 31/12/2014
Elegible capital Reconciliation of the Public Balance Sheet from the accounting perimeter to the regulatory perimeter Reconciliation of the Public Balance Sheet from the accounting perimeter to the regulatory perimeter
Total shareholders's funds (public balance sheet) 50,640 49,447
Capital 3,120 3,024
Share premium 23,992 23,993
Reserves 22,512 20,936
Other equity instruments 35 67
Own shares in portfolio (309) (350)
Attributed net income 2,642 2,618
Attributed dividend (1,352) (841)
Total equity (public balance sheet) 55,440 51,610
Valuation adjustments (3,349) (348)
Minority interests 8,149 2,511
Shares and other eligible preferred securities 5,302 4,205
Deductions (4,411) (1,872)
Goodwill and other intangible assets (3,901) (1,748)
Fin. treasury stock (95) (124)
Indirect treasury stock (415)  
Equity not eligible at solvency level (828) (3,707)
Valuation adjustments not eligible as basic capital (788) (3,567)
Capital gains from the Sovereign AFS fixed-income portfolio (796) (2,713)
Capital gains from the AFS equity portfolio 8 (854)
Valuation adjustments not eligible as basic capital (minority) - (140)
Minority interests valuation adjustments - (14)
Remuneration of the Aditional Level 1 equity instruments - (126)
Perimeter differences (40)  
Other adjustments and deductions (1,647) (1,414)
Tier 1 (before deductions) 53,856 48,822
(-) Tier 1 deductions (5,302) (6,990)
Tier 1 48,554 41,832