Capital and shareholders

Capital base

The CET1 fully loaded ratio of the BBVA Group stood at 12.75% as of June 30, 2024, which allows maintaining a large management buffer over the Group's CET1 requirement as of that date (9.11%9), and which is also above the Group's target management range of 11.5 - 12.0% CET1.

During the second quarter, the Group’s CET1 fully loaded decreased by 7 basis points with respect to the March level (12.82%).

The strong earnings generation during the second quarter, higher than in the first quarter, net of shareholder remuneration and payment of capital instruments (CoCos), generated a positive contribution of +34 basis points to CET1 ratio, which, together with the offsetting in equity of the negative effect in results of value loss of the net monetary position in hyperinflationary economies, made it possible to absorb the growth of risk-weighted assets (RWA) derived from the organic growth of activity in constant terms (consumption of -40 basis points), in line with the Group's strategy of continuing to promote profitable growth.

Among the remaining impacts, in addition to the one referred to from hyperinflationary economies, it is worth highlighting those associated with market variables, which drained -23 basis points of the ratio, where the negative evolution in the quarter due to the evolution of the main currencies (highlighting the impact of the evolution of the Mexican peso), and, to a lesser extent, the valuation of fixed income portfolios stand out.


Chart quarterlyevolution

(1) Includes, among others, FX and mark to market of HTC&S portfolios, minority interests, and a positive impact in OCI equivalent to the Net Monetary Position value loss in hyperinflationary economies registered in results.

The AT1 fully loaded ratio showed an increase of +19 basis points compared to March 31, 2024. In this period, BBVA S.A completed an issuance for an amount of €750 million Contingent Convertible instruments (CoCos) in June 2024.

The Tier 2 fully loaded ratio has not experienced a significant variation (-2 basis points in the quarter), only impacted by the growth of RWA.

As a consequence of the foregoing, the consolidated fully loaded total capital ratio stood at 16.77% as of June 30, 2024, above the total capital requirements (13.27%).


Phased-in (1)
Fully-loaded (1)
30-06-24 (2)31-12-2330-06-2330-06-24 (2)31-12-2330-06-23
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)48,86146,11645,14648,86146,11645,146
Tier 154,77652,15051,31654,77652,15051,316
Tier 29,4678,1827,0219,4678,1827,021
Total capital (Tier 1 + Tier 2) 64,24360,33258,33764,24360,33258,337
Risk-weighted assets 383,179363,915347,442383,179363,915347,442
CET1 (%)12.7512.6712.9912.7512.6712.99
Tier 1 (%)14.3014.3314.7714.3014.3314.77
Tier 2 (%) 2.472.252.022.472.252.02
Total capital ratio (%) 16.7716.5816.7916.7716.5816.79

(1) The difference between the phased-in and fully-loaded ratios arises from the temporary treatment of certain capital items, mainly of the impact of IFRS 9, to which the BBVA Group has adhered voluntarily (in accordance with article 473bis of the CRR and the subsequent amendments introduced by the Regulation (EU) 2020/873). For the periods shown in this table, there are no differences between phased-in and fully-loaded ratios due to the aforementioned temporary treatment.

(2) Preliminary data.

As of June 30, 2024, the phased-in leverage ratio stood at 6.77%10 (6.77% fully loaded), increasing 29 basis points since March 2024.

Exposure to Leverage Ratio (Fully-Loaded) (million euros)809,063797,888792,045
Leverage ratio (Fully-Loaded) (%)6.77 6.54 6.48

With respect to the MREL ratios11 achieved as of June 30, 2024, these were 28.42% and 11.95%, respectively for MREL in RWA and MREL in LR, reaching the subordinated ratios of both 22.18% and 9.32%, respectively. A summarizing table is shown below:

Total own funds and eligible liabilities (million euros)54,15749,39851,194
Total RWA of the resolution group (million euros)218,340214,757207,087
RWA ratio (%)28.42 26.36 28.05
Total exposure for the Leverage calculation (million euros)519,267517,470516,459
Leverage ratio (%)11.95 10.94 11.25

On March 27, 2024 the Group made public that it had received a communication from the Bank of Spain regarding its MREL 22.79%12. In addition, BBVA must reach, also as from March 27, 2024, a volume of own funds and eligible liabilities in terms of total exposure considered for purposes of calculating the leverage ratio of 8.48% (the “MREL in LR”)13. These requirements do not include the current combined capital requirement, which, according to current regulations and supervisory criteria, is 3.62%14. Given the structure of the resolution group's own funds and eligible liabilities, as of June 30, 2024, the Group meets the aforementioned requirements.

Likewise, with the aim of reinforcing compliance with these requirements, BBVA has made several debt issuances during the first half of 2024. For more information on these issuances, see "Structural risks" section within the "Risk management" chapter.

Shareholder remuneration

Regarding shareholder remuneration, as approved by the General Shareholders´ Meeting on March 15, 2024, in its first item on the agenda, on April 10, 2024, a cash payment of €0.39 gross per each outstanding BBVA share entitled to receive such amount was made against the 2023 results, as an additional shareholder remuneration for the financial year 2023. Thus, the total amount of cash distributions for 2023, taking into account the €0.16 gross per share that was distributed in October 2023, amounted to €0.55 gross per share.

Total shareholder remuneration includes, in addition to the cash payments mentioned above, the remuneration resulting from BBVA's buyback program for the repurchase of own shares announced on January 30, 2024 for a maximum amount of €781m, and which started being executed on March 1, 2024. BBVA announced the completion of the share buyback program upon reaching the maximum monetary amount, having acquired 74,654,915 own shares, between March 4 and April 9, 2024, representing, approximately, 1.28% of BBVA's share capital as of such date.

On May 24, 2024, BBVA notified through an Other Relevant Information notice a partial execution of the share capital reduction resolution adopted by the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of BBVA held on March 15, 2024, under item 3 of the agenda through the reduction of BBVA’s share capital in a nominal amount of €36,580,908.35 and the consequent redemption, charged to unrestricted reserves, of 74,654,915 own shares of €0.49 par value each acquired derivatively by BBVA in execution of the own share buyback program scheme and which were held as treasury shares.

As of June 30, 2024, BBVA’s share capital amounted to €2,824,009,877.85 divided into 5,763,285,465 shares.


Number of shares
Shares outstanding
Up to 500310,61343.1 57,201,0291.0
501 to 5,000 322,33344.7 570,781,3019.9
5,001 to 10,00047,6186.6 333,879,5125.8
10,001 to 50,00036,8345.1 704,068,30812.2
50,001 to 100,0002,5790.4 176,073,9853.1
100,001 to 500,0001,1680.2 206,344,5673.6
More than 500,0012580.04 3,714,936,76364.5

Note: in the case of shares kept by investors through a custodian placed outside Spain, only the custodian will be considered as a shareholder, which is who appears registered in the accounting record of book entries, so the number of shareholders stated does not consider those indirect holders.

On July 5, 2024, BBVA held an Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting in Bilbao. Among the agreements adopted was approval of an increase in the share capital of BBVA,S.A. up to a maximum nominal amount of €551,906,524.05, by issuing and putting into circulation of up to 1,126,339,845 ordinary shares with a par value of €0.49 each of them, for the purpose of covering the consideration of the voluntary tender offer for the acquisition of up to 100% of the shares of Banco de Sabadell, S.A. launched by BBVA.


During the first half of 2024, BBVA’s rating has continued to demonstrate its strength and all agencies have maintained their rating in the A category. In March, Moody´s changed its long-term outlook on the senior preferred debt from stable to positive (maintaining its rating in A3) after a similar action on the Spanish Sovereign rating and reflecting the expectations of the agency that the profitability levels of the bank will continue being high and that the pressures on the quality of assets will remain contained. Also, in March, DBRS communicated the result of its annual revision of BBVA confirming the rating in A (high) with a stable outlook. Additionally, S&P reviewed BBVA´s rating and outlook unchanged in June (A, stable), and for its part, Fitch have maintained without changes BBVA´s rating and outlook (A-, stable), during the first six months of the year. The following table shows the credit ratings and outlooks assigned by the agencies:

Rating agencyLong term (1)Short termOutlook
DBRSA (high)R-1 (middle)Stable
Moody's A3P-2Positive
Standard & Poor'sAA-1Stable

(1) Ratings assigned to long term senior preferred debt. Additionally, Moody’s and Fitch assign A2 and A- rating, respectively, to BBVA’s long term deposits.

9 Considering the last official update of the countercyclical capital buffer, calculated on the basis of exposure as of March 31, 2024.

10 Preliminary leverage ratio as of the date of publication

11 Calculated at subconsolidated level according to the resolution strategy MPE (“Multiple Point of Entry”) of the BBVA Group, established by the SRB. The resolution group is made up of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. and subsidiaries that belong to the same European resolution group. That implies the ratios are calculated under the subconsolidated perimeter of the resolution group. Preliminary MREL ratios as of the date of publication

12 The subordination requirement in RWA is 13.5%.

13 The subordination requirement in Leverage ratio is 5.78%.

14 Considering the last official update of the countercyclical capital buffer, calculated on the basis of exposure as of March 31, 2024.

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