Corporate Center

Income statement 1H24∆ %1H23 (1)
Net interest income(201)43.1(140)
Net fees and commissions (24)(19.9)(30)
Net trading income(65)(89.1)(595)
Other operating income and expenses(10)n.s.49
Gross income(300)(58.2)(716)
Operating expenses(355)(3.2)(366)
Personnel expenses(369)17.6(314)
Other administrative expenses122151.048
Operating income (654)(39.6)(1)
Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through
profit or loss
Provisions or reversal of provisions and other results48n.s.6
Profit (loss) before tax(606)(43.7)(1,077)
Income tax51100.625
Profit (loss) for the period(555)(47.2)(1,051)
Non-controlling interests(2)n.s.12
Net attributable profit (loss)(557)(46.4)(1,039)

Balance sheets


∆ %

Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits604(11.6)684
Financial assets designated at fair value 3,10923.82,512
Of which: Loans and advancesn.s.
Financial assets at amortized cost4,09613.13,622
Of which: Loans and advances to customers44593.3230
Inter-area positions
Tangible assets1,7261,727
Other assets14,7541.514,530
Total assets/liabilities and equity24,2905.323,074
Financial liabilities held for trading and designated at fair value through
profit or loss
Deposits from central banks and credit institutions8156.6765
Deposits from customers1883.5181
Debt certificates72290.2380
Inter-area positions8,01037.95,809
Other liabilities3,548(0.9)3,581
Regulatory capital allocated(46,213)7.4(43,033)
Total equity57,0913.355,265

(1) Revised balances. For more information, please refer to the “Business Areas” section.


The Corporate Center recorded a net attributable loss of €-557m between January and June of 2024, which is an improvement compared with the €-1,039m recorded in the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the evolution of the NTI. The above is the result of the positive contribution in the second quarter of 2024 from the hedges of foreign currency positions, which contrasts with the negative contribution in the first half of the previous year, originating in both periods in the Mexican peso.

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